PX (2017)
Short fiction.
Writer, director, production designer.
Collaboration with Zoë Pour Hossein Kiani and Rogier Mulder

We created this movie focusing on our apathetic society asking a simple question 'why we don't care'? We all have these obviously self-destructive habits such as smoking, heavy partying or lying. Without these our life might become so much better in the long run, but we don't care enough to change anything about it. So why we don't care ?
Being 3 different creatives, all of us individually answered to this question and created 3 characters for this film. 

Zoë Kiani:
I think the reason that we don’t care is because we’re selfish. We know what these habits are doing to us, or doing to the world but our short-term happiness is just worth more to us, then a long term sustainability. And long term can even be this long that we will never experience it. So why would we give our things up? We might pretend to be good people for the image we uphold, but actually created by society we are very selfish.
Luni Jančoraitė:
We don’t care because we want to have fun. We are 'living in the moment' without thinking about the consequences. People smoke cigarettes because 'we like the process of smoking and it gives a break for our brain full of bullshit'. It’s fun and cool, but how cool would be not to have cancer in 30 years or tomorrow? We are out partying all night, spending huge amounts of money that we don’t even have for litres of alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, lies, fake people and fake emotions because it’s fun. It is fun to have fun, but what about coming back to reality? Next day we are feeling even worse. And that’s how we get into some kind of vicious cycle. We are feeling bad inside, we go out to be in the crowd, we are lying ourselves that we are happy, but the next day is full of regret. And then we do it again.​​​​​​​
Rogier Mulder:
We don’t care because breaking the rules is the last bit of excitement we have in our life. We don’t care because the short term consequences feel meaningless. We don't care because others don’t care either (at least we think).

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